Insurance Law

Insurance Law Attorney

K&D Law Firm insurance law attorneys in Istanbul, Turkey gives legal advice and juridical support including the damages derived from traffic accidents or the accidents resulting in material damage, the disputes of life, health and retirement insurance.

K&D Law Firm in Gayrettepe, İstanbul as insurance lawyers provides legal counselling and attorney-at-law services regarding the ex post conflicts in the scope of the insurance contracts, and all kinds of conflict regarding the insurance conflicts as notably the compensation for the material and non-material damages due to the death or the injury in the traffic accidents and/or the accidents resulting in material damage, the conflicts regarding the health, the retirement, the life insurance contracts.

Our Legal Resolutions Regarding the Conflicts in Insurance Law

Insurance Law is a branch of law including the contracts within which the insurance agent takes on the economical consequences due to a wrongful jeopardy and/or an incurrence of a risk and the contractual rights and obligations arising from the insurance contracts. Within the scope of insurance contract, the insurant enters into the obligation of insurance premium payments, whereas the payment of insurance indemnity and insurance amount arises as the debt of the insurance agent.
The Insurance Law has become effective in order to protect the personal rights and benefits and to provide a reliable environment for the insurance sector to function effectively.
In this context, our team of insurance lawyers perform the operations on the preparation, the cancellation, the partial cancellation and/or the rescission of the insurance contracts, and the operations on the bankruptcy of the insurance agent. In the same manner, they perform the operations on the payments of the insurance companies to the injured, the collection from the damaging party, the conflicts on the accident, the retirement, the health and the life insurance, the follow-up and the collection on the receivables of the insurant from the insurance companies.
We also provide services as consumer rights lawyers regarding to the proof and the collection of the compensation for the damage by filing a lawsuit before the Consumer Arbitral Commission and the Consumer Courts, if the insurance companies do not pay the compensation to the insurants.

Our Legal Services in the Scope of Insurance Law

As K&D Law Firm provides services regarding the insurance lawsuits only within İstanbul, the services provided by our team of insurance lawyers are as follows:

– The resolution of the action of debt and damage before the Arbitral Commission and the Consumer Courts regarding the retirement, the health, and the life insurance

– The preparation, the cancellation, the partial cancellation, and the rescission of the insurance contracts

– The follow-up of the conflicts arising from the breach of obligations in the insurance contract

– The conflicts arising from the loss insurance and the compulsory liability insurance

– The debt enforcement proceedings for the unpaid premiums before the enforcement offices and courts for the purpose of collection from the insurant

– The filing and the conclusion of the lawsuit for the collection of the compensation and the insurance amount, which was paid to the injured, from the injured

Lawsuits about motor, aviation and maritime insurances

– Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages derived from traffic accidents

– Claiming for the damages and receivables in the scope of life, health and retirement insurances

– Non-payments of the insurance company in case of flood, fire or earthquake etc.

K&D Law Firm in Istanbul, Turkey and our insurance law attorneys may be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by our contact page.