K&D Law Firm supports the clients in Istanbul, Turkey with its experienced real estate law attorneys in real estate law regarding title-deed transactions, land parcelling and mergering, real estate rights transactions, leasing disputes in the interest of the clients.
K&D Law Firm as real estate lawyers in İstanbul borders gives any kind of legal counselling and attorney-at-law services with respect to the land registration and cancellation, hypothecations, land subdivision and amalgation, the proceedings about the general rights on the real estates, the lease contracts, all kinds of conflict regarding the real estate law, particularly the conflicts resulting from the portion of inheritance.
The scope of the Real Estate Law consists the land, the rights registered on land register and the detached sections registered on the property ownership register. The real property right is gained by the registration to the land register. Gaining the real property right apart from the registration is possible by a court decision, foreclosure, inheritance, occupancy and the other cases regulated by the law.
Apart from the real property right on real estate, there are rights, which provide limited power to the owner, divided into 3 groups such as the lien, the servitude, and the right of incumbrance. The hypothecation is the act of securing a current debt and/or a debt to be possibly and/or definitely incurred by hypothecating the property. In the scope of Real Estate Law, frequently, the joint ownership and/or the co-ownership of the property by more than one person, the wrongful entry and/or cancellation regarding the real property rights and the limited real rights, the conflicts on the preliminary sales contract for the real estate between the contractor and the beneficiaries, the late or defective delivery of the construction contract in return for flat in between the land owners and the contractors, the unlawful confiscation and the detection of the low expropriated price, the eviction of the tenant who does not pay the rent or acts incongruent to the tenancy agreement.
– Partition of the property and selling transactions in case of a dispute between the joint owners
– Cancellation of the property registration in case of a unjust transaction on behalf of a third party
– Buying and selling transactions of the property and title-deed transactions
– Establishing or cancellation a lien of property, foreclosure sale
– Preparing leasing contracts and eviction
– Property possession transactions for foreigners
– Construction agreement in return for land share, the preliminary sales contract
– The suits for the cancellation of the confiscation or the determination of the expropriated price
K&D Law Firm in Istanbul, Turkey and our Real Estate Law attorneys may be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by our contact page.