Labor & Employment Law

Labor & Employment Law Attorney

K&D Law Firm provides legal consulting and juridical support for the disputes between the employees and employers in the scope of labor contracts including unjust termination of the contract, claiming for the employee’s personal rights and the compensation and legal proceedings of the occupational accidents with its experienced and skilled attorneys in criminal law field.

Our Legal Solutions on Labor Law

The Labor Law regulates the rights and the responsibilities, regarding the working conditions and work environment, of the workers who are employed based on a labor contract. The labor contract is a contract composed by the liability of the employee for dependently performing a work and the liability of the employer for paying the salary. If duration of the contract is one year or more than one year, the contract should be formed in writing. The conflicts regarding the Labor Law are diversified, but generally they are the on the lawsuit for damages and the reemployment lawsuit in the cases where the employment contract of indefinite duration is terminated by the employer and/or the employee or the termination of the contract by the employer becomes void.
Our lawyers give service primarily on, regarding the labor contracts, demanding the personal rights of the employees in case of an unjust termination and filing the reemployment lawsuit, demanding compensation for bad faith damages in the case where the termination is in bad faith, they also give service on the legal demands of the employers in such cases as.filing an appeal against issued fines in the case of violation of the labor law..

The Services Given By Our Labor Lawyers

K&D Law Firm, giving legal services only in İstanbul, the legal services regarding the Labor Law by our team of labor lawyers are as follows:

– The legal support regarding the conflicts of the obligation of the employers to employ the disabled and the ex-convicts.

– The appeal against the issued fines to the employer in the scope of the Labor Law.

– Claiming for the compensation including severance payment, notice pay, overtime wage, annual leave payment and vacation pay in case of an unfair dismissal

– Collection of un-paid receivables of the workers

– Enforcing the employers to pay insurance premiums in full

– Claiming compensation in case of a malicious act of the employer (dismissal of the contract due to unionisation, discrimination, racism etc.)

– Filing re-employment lawsuit

– Claming for the damages in case of an occupational accidents

– Preparing the labor contracts

– Claiming for the notice pay in case the employee dissolves the contract in the regardless of notice period