K&D Law Firm provides legal consulting and juridical support for preparing the rental contracts, collecting the rental debts, cancellation of rental contracts, eviction of the tenants with its experienced and skilled attorneys in the field.
Providing services aimed at the relationships between the lessor and the leaseholder, K&D Law Firm in İstanbul as lawyers in rental law, gives legal counselling and attorney-at-law services on the rental law with respect to drawing up rental contracts, the rental debt follow-ups, the termination of the rental contracts, the eviction of the lessor and the leaseholder, and the rent setting.
The conflicts regarding the rental contracts are usually based upon the cases in which the leaseholders do not paying the rents, the leaseholders do not evict the leasehold and/or the conflicts arising from the eviction notice. The conflicts also can be illustrated as the conflicts arising from the the termination of the contract due to the need of the lessor for using the leasehold as a residence or a workplace and/or the reconstruction of the leasehold by the lessor.
Our lawyers provides any kind of legal service regarding the conflicts that arise from the rental contracts of the real property.
In the scope of the Turkish Code of Obligations – 6098, effectuated by July 1st, 2012, repelling the Law on Real Property Leasing – 6570, the prior law is applied to the acts and the procedures regarding the rental contracts dated before July 1st, 2012. For the acts and the procedures after this date, Law Number 6098 is applied. Nevertheless, in the fields of the default in contract, the termination of the contract, and the eviction, the latest Code of Obligations will find an execution area. Therefore, regarding the solution for the rental contracts, it is important to consider, when the legal procedures are being used, the fact that whether the contract is prepared before July 1st, 2012 or not.
K&D Law Firm, giving legal services only in İstanbul, the legal services regarding the Rental Law by our team of lawyers in rental law are as follows:
– The rent setting lawsuit: The rent is set by the judge, if the rent increase is not set by the parties. If the rent increase rate is not written in the contract and if the parties cannot come to an agreement on the rate, in this case the rent setting lawsuit can be filed by the lessor (the owner of the residence or the workplace)
– The proceedings with the eviction of the leaseholder
– In the case where the leaseholder does not pay the rent, the collection of the rent receivables by the enforcement offices and the courts.
– The resolution regarding the conflicts on the eviction notice.
K&D Law Firm in Istanbul, Turkey and our Tenant & Landlord Law Attorneys may be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by our contact page.