Our lawyers at K&D Law Firm Istanbul, Turkey provides legal service as a contract law attorney especially in the scope of law of contracts including preparation of commercial contracts, loan contracts, insurance contracts, rental contracts, labor contracts, remedies for breach of contract, proceedings of cancellation of the contract.
Our lawyers respond to the needs of the clients with any kind of legal issue regarding the contracts that deposited on the lawyer starting with the preparation of the contract for the most appropriate outcome in favor of the client and by the instance when the contract is signed between the parties. The contract lawyers of K&D Law Firm provides legal services for other contracts than the above mentioned contracts such as the movable and immovable property sale contracts, the donation contract, the contract of service, the contract of representation, the freelance contract, and the sui generis contracts like the franchise , the know-how, and the sponsorship contracts, as well as for the conflicts that arose both before and after the signing of the contract.
Likewise, our lawyers provides service regarding the operations on the violation of contract terms, the penal clauses, the lapse into default and the interest for the default in the contract, as well as the conflicts arising from the duly cancellation of the contract by the clients, and then again the violation of the procedure in the cancellation.
As our office provides services only within İstanbul, the services provided by our team of contract lawyers are summarized below:
– The immovable property sale and hire-purchase contract, the donation contract, the exchanging contract
– The contract for service, the contract of representation, the freelance contract
– The contract for mandate, the contract for bailment
– The sui generis contracts: the franchise, the know-how, the sponsorship contracts
– The combined contracts: the package tour contracts, the contract for admission in a hospital
– Negotiation of contract, reaching a mutual agreement and signing of the contract
– Claiming the damages and penal clauses in the condition of the violation of the contract
– Cancellation proceedings of the contracts
– Claiming the rental debts and eviction of the tenant
– Claiming insurance payments in the scope of insurance contracts
– Claiming for the compensation including severance payment, notice period pay, overtime pay, annual leave payment and vacation pay in case of an unfair dismissal
– Buying and selling transactions of the real estate and title-deed transactions
– Claiming for refund, free-repair or exchange with fungible goods in the scope of consumer contracts
You may reach our contract lawyer team and K&D Law Firm in Istanbul, Turkey by e-mail at [email protected] or by our contact page.